WWWStat4Mac. The ideal companion to httpd4Mac,WebStar, or a UNIX or PC Webserver.
"One of the most feature packed log analysers available on the internet today"

Thanks and Acknowledgements

I'd just like to take the time to thank all of the people who have provided encouragemant and suggestions during the development of this software. A special thanks to all the beta-testers. Without their input and help this software would have reached the archives months ago, but probably with less features and more bugs :-). In no particular order here they are...

Colin Hardman,Gavin Lawson, Lindsay Davies, Brian Ridgway, Brett Francis, Alex Bratton, Thom Dunaway, Andy Grant, Ted Kusio, Fabrizio Bartolomucci,John Steege, John Kingsley, John Staplehurst, Yoshihisa Uzawa, Chris Chew.

And for contributions in the software and source code department...

(Apolgies if I have missed anyone.)

A big thanks too to all those people who've been honest and sent in their shareware fees. It's good to know there are people out there who are prepared to support and encourage shareware developers.

A special thanks to Metrowerks and in particular Marcel Achim and Nadine Bisson, the software engineers responsible for the Pascal compiler, for making a great product that is actually a joy to use :-)

A similar debt of gratitude goes out to Bare Bones software for their fantastic editor BBEdit, and also to Lindsay Davies who's superb HTML tools made doing all of this documentation a lot less of a drag than it could have been.

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This file last modified on 10-Nov-96 at 2:22 pm by Peter Hardman.